Thursday, November 20, 2008

Days 2 and 3

Hey. Sorry I missed yesterdays post. extremely busy.
Woke up wed and jogged 1.5 miles then ran bleachers for 15 min again. I am going to start doing longer jogs and more on the beach with the resistance of the sand. food was tilapia with a salad (romaine, a pinch of cheese and oil and vin dressing) I followed that up with a chicken breast for dinner and a banana when I got home from work.
Today I didn't really get a serious workout in but I did ride the bike to school and work and back home again (total 12 miles all day). Ate a chicken breast for dinner with broccoli and green beans. Also had a bowl of honey bunches of oats with skim milk for breakfast. just got home from work and kinda hungry so I'll probably eat another banana.
Still haven't got the weigh in done. sorry, sue me.

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