Anyways its been about a month now that I've been training. the diet is going great, mostly fruits and veggies and all lean meats.
Workout wise I've been mixing it up. I've been exercising 4-5 days a week. Not as much as I like but believe me when I tell you school and work are killing me time wise so 4-5 days is all I can squeeze in. back to 5-6 after the holiday season. I usually start off with 5-10 minutes of hard cardio to get my blood flowing. either bleachers or all the way on the highest gear on the bicycle. Then I usually do 20-30 minutes of cardio (either jogging, or biking). I follow all that up with about 15-20 minutes of calesthenics. Depending on my mood, and weather, and time, etc I figure out what workout I'm going to do that day. I try not to get in the same rhythm too much cause I get bored too easily.
as far as weight goes I won't be doing a weigh in, at all, ever. sorry. but frankly this was about me getting in great athletic shape and I could care less what my actual weight is so long as I'm healthy.
anyways I didn't lose site of my goal, just been ridiculously busy and there was no need to do repetitive posts on here. I'll try to get some pics up soon.
as far as results I'm already noticing good increases in distance covered, and speed, and endurance so training is going great!!!